
Posts Tagged ‘being good’

red nose day

Today I love this country even more…


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Scarf - WIP

January is nearly over and I have only now found something to say from the beach I don’t live in. The Christmas presents below were finished just after Christmas but still in time to be enjoyed by the people I have worked so hard to please. It was a great feeling to see them wearing the things I had made for them – much better than I had imagined, so I intend to do it in future years! Unfortunately, pictures of said items have not yet been taken, but my wee brother will provide them soon… he says!

Time for craftings of any sort is incredibly short at the moment and although my list of wish-to-do is growing by the minute, I’m only slowly concentrating on one scarf from the Christmas aftermaths…! For this year, I have planned two knitted sweaters, two baby booties, and several sewing projects. I’m determined to use more of my stash so I can renew the collection.

I’m not much of a new year’s resolutionS kind of person – I prefer to pick a couple of things to focus on during the year and work on those. This year, I have selected photography has my main topic. I’m determined to learn as much as I can about it and improve my photographs dramatically! Please feel free to opinate and give advice on this over on Flickr 🙂

I’m really looking forward to this year! Trying to keep a positive attitude amidst the doom and gloom of world news.

This week I will also be selecting my second Kiva loan – something that I should have done in December – and I know a great struggle awaits… The upside is that Hawa is doing really well and that inspires me to do more!

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local is better


A while ago I started thinking about how good it would be to buy all my vegetables and fruit from local farmers. This would certainly diminish my carbon foot print, but it would also make me more creative in the kitchen, as you end up only having in season produce. A bit of research and I discovered Abel and Cole. Now, Abel and Cole are not local to Oxford, but they source all the veggies and fruit (and meat, if you so wish) they deliver to me within Oxfordshire. They do the same for any other area they deliver to. At the time of my research, I did come across local farms that provide a similar service, but Abel and Cole had a huge advantage over them – they allow you to pick a couple of things you hate and that should never come with your order! Now, I hate leeks, truly can’t stand it, not even in soup; those of you in the UK will know how popular this vegetal is around here and every farm seems to have it in their veggie boxes – it just so happens it’s in season. So, all things considered, I went with Abel and Cole.. My very first box arrived last Tuesday – delicious vegetables and fruit that I’ve had the pleasure to be cooking with for the past week; inside the box, you can also find a few recipes (I love this bonus!). Now you think, all good! BUt it gets better – Friday I get a call from Abel and Cole checking I was pleased with the service, if all the items were in good condition, if the box had been dropped off at the right place (you don’t need to be home to colect it!), if there was anything else I wanted, to inform me I would be receiving a free box after 3 weeks of consecutive orders…! I felt so very old-fashioned for loving this extra care in customer service, but I truly did love the attention! Yes, Abel and Cole, there is something else I want – that all customer service is like yours! Thank you!

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Daydreaming in the green doorway… by carf

I know nothing about poverty, let alone living in poverty. However, this year’s Blog Action Day on Poverty interests me. How can one be indifferent to such hard realities?

When I was little, I remember a little boy named Paulo who used to cycle with us in the gardens opposite my house. Afterwards, he would come over for a snack. Paulo didn’t have much to eat at home and that made him my Dad’s special guest. I grew up listening to my Grandparents’ stories on how you can always sit another person at the table. I suppose society has changed a lot since my Grandparents’ days; today such a gesture is almost difficult. But if that is a sad change, other things exist that make up for it.

I don’t invite strangers for tea at mine. Sometimes, I buy a piece of fruit, a sandwich and a water bottle at the supermarket to give to the gentleman sitting outside, with his dog. I also buy dog food.

I don’t invite strangers for tea at mine. I got involved with Kiva (here e here), an amazing and worthy project, and I will be making my second loan in December.

I don’t invite strangers for tea at mine. I remember my Mum saying one does what one can; albeit true, I know I could do so much more. I guess what I’m trying to say is that this post is more for myself, rather than for those who might come across it, to opne my eyes to how much more I can do.

To end on a positive note, a project I follow through flickr about someone who did go the extra mile and is helping children in the difficult streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil – Children at Risk Foundation, CARF, Brasil e no Flickr. The photo illustrating this post is from their gallery. Thank you.

*For more information on Poverty, see Blog Action Day here.

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