
Gum drop pillow 4

My first Gum Drop Pillow, from a pattern by Amy Butler. I was heavily inspired by Concha, who has done several of these ottomans herself and kept saying how easy and rewarding they are to sew. I believed her and gave it a go and… Yay! I’m so very pleased!

Weekend sewing



Sewing has been happening today, or cutting fabric, which comes before the sewing. But I wanted to share my new project – 52 weeks – where one is supposed to take 52 self-portraits, one per week.  I’ve finally started it yesterday morning, on the balcony!

of the sunny mornings

I knew it had been ages since I posted something here, but only today did I realise how long it’d really been. There is a reason, of course, and it’s called time, or lack of. My hands have not been that busy with crafty things because the rest of me (and my hands too, really) have had very little time to dedicate to said things. I also have a new hobby, photography. The reason why it goes unnoticed is because I’m really not that good at it, in spite of my efforts. I’ll get better.

Anyways, over the past 4 months, I’ve finished knitting all the parts of my first jumper which is now sitting patiently waiting for me to put all the pieces together. (no photos of that)

I’ve sewn another clutch for myself, quite a posh one too, to take with me to Ascot (yes, I have been to Ascot, wearing a fascinator and all, oh so very British!). (there is one photo of the clutch, but not very good)

I’ve started a woolly hat. For Christmas last year, I gave my little brother (who’s not so little anymore) a knitted hat (ravelry link). He lost it a few weeks ago and wrote me the saddest email telling me how he wore it all the time and now it was lost. I didn’t really mind he had lost it, things happen after all, but the thought that he wore my hat all the time filled me with happiness. Of course I promised to replace it with one just like it. Turns out that now I’m supposed to knit two, one just like it and another one in grey – I asked which colour he would prefer, now he could pick; simple, he said, you’ll knit both! Yes, I felt proud that he wanted me to knit him two hats 🙂 a little flattering will take you a long way! (oh, and no photo of the finished lost hat either!)

Judging by the *photo* comment at the end of each paragraph I can safely say my new hobby is in need of some TLC.

P.S. – Truth be told, I must admit it’s been difficult to keep two alter egos going (the Cientista in me is pretty demanding elsewhere) and this one is the one I ignore the most *blush*

red nose day

Today I love this country even more…


another clutch

woolly curvy clutch

One more clutch, this time in a vintage woolly fabric my Mum has given me ages ago. This was a friend’s request and I have to admit it’s my best clutch so far… maybe it’s because it has a bit of my Mum’s touch…!

Scarf - WIP

January is nearly over and I have only now found something to say from the beach I don’t live in. The Christmas presents below were finished just after Christmas but still in time to be enjoyed by the people I have worked so hard to please. It was a great feeling to see them wearing the things I had made for them – much better than I had imagined, so I intend to do it in future years! Unfortunately, pictures of said items have not yet been taken, but my wee brother will provide them soon… he says!

Time for craftings of any sort is incredibly short at the moment and although my list of wish-to-do is growing by the minute, I’m only slowly concentrating on one scarf from the Christmas aftermaths…! For this year, I have planned two knitted sweaters, two baby booties, and several sewing projects. I’m determined to use more of my stash so I can renew the collection.

I’m not much of a new year’s resolutionS kind of person – I prefer to pick a couple of things to focus on during the year and work on those. This year, I have selected photography has my main topic. I’m determined to learn as much as I can about it and improve my photographs dramatically! Please feel free to opinate and give advice on this over on Flickr 🙂

I’m really looking forward to this year! Trying to keep a positive attitude amidst the doom and gloom of world news.

This week I will also be selecting my second Kiva loan – something that I should have done in December – and I know a great struggle awaits… The upside is that Hawa is doing really well and that inspires me to do more!


and an amazing new year!!!

for Mum

heat bag - red

Mum’s very special heat bag for Christmas, with owls for wisdom and red because Mum loves red (and owls!).

heat bags – WIP

heat bags

In preparation for Xmas…